Saturday, October 13, 2012

Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home. -Anna Quindlen, How Reading Changed My Life

Books are also my entire life for the next eleven months, and while I love reading, that's a lot of archaeological text. It's really interesting because here there is a lot more freedom in the education system. I'm only required in a classroom maybe three hours a week? And one of those hours is for a meeting so my advisor can make sure I'm not an American slacker here as a tourist and not as a student.  I mean, all you back in the UCs know, you're in class at least twelve hours a week and typically it's more. Plus the reading is all "suggested." I signed up for the taught degree because I was hoping for some guidance in a new field. Apparently not. This does provide an excellent opportunity for me to really motivate myself to study and work independently though. Now all I have to do is...really motivate myself to study and work independently. Actually I did find a great book today that so far (two chapters in) actually has me wanting to read more. I'm finally getting back into academic mode (knock on wood)!
A little bit of local art
A WWI memorial in the St. Oswald
cemetery down the street from St. Mary's

So as the first official week of classes closes, how has it been? Well, I only had one real hour of class which was interesting, though I did go to an optional lecture on Angle-Saxon gold (conclusion: it's shiny). I also went to a museum downtown with a couple other archaeology nerds -yah!- to check out an exhibit of six bodies found in York which are believed to be gladiators. I'm not completely convinced, but the display was really amazing and coming face-to-face with the remnants of people on that level is so exhilarating.

How do you like my new backyard?

Some of the tombstones from the 
St. Oswald cemetery. 

Some beautiful scenery near St. Oswald's and on the walking paths near the banks of the River Wear.  

Belinda teased me for being so excited about finding blackberries in the wild. 

 Every sky here is absolutely beautiful. This is a typical evening view outside my bedroom window. 

 On a non-academic level, I did some more exploring of Durham since the weather has been so gorgeous and probably wont last much longer until a wet and cold winter sets in. I also joined the St. Mary's women's soccer team. OOPS football, I mean football team! First game is tomorrow, which should be interesting. I'm very out of shape, but it does feel wonderful to be playing again. Of course my cleats are in the mail currently so I've been sliding around in my sneakers bruising both hips. Less fun. I failed to escape the dreaded "Fresher's Flu" but I seem to have gotten only a mild head cold so I count myself lucky.

After the rain I look out the hallway window and see this. 
Side note of interesting thing about British people. They ask if you're alright and look at you funny if you say yes. I did that a few times before I realized they were basically saying "What do you want?" Not in a rude way of course, in a how-can-I-help-you way. Also, everyone thinks everyone in California surfs and is very disappointed when I explain that that is not the case. I'm a horrid bubble-burster apparently. Also, while my Scottish accent is very popular back home, here the big winners are impersonating my cousins from New Jersey and doing a Deep South impression. I guess you really only ever want what you don't have.
St. Mary's after the rain. 
The cathedral as seen from St. Mary's.

I really like this shot of Belinda! 


  1. Awww I like this post- it makes me happier than your first one haha It looks so pretty!!! I'm glad it seems to be getting better for you :) Are there live online feeds of the games, or are they taped and put online later?

    1. It is so gorgeous! I really wish you could come visit. Maybe the two of us will just have to do traveling together as adults when we have more money saved. I would love that. No feeds of the games as far as I know but I'm hoping to have some pictures put up next week. It's really casual so their isn't much in the way of spectatorship. At least not yet.

  2. 1. I want my Skype date.
    2. Thank you for keeping up with the blog because I am now living vicariously through you lol.
    3. I miss you.
    4. I can't sleep.
    5. How's the food?
    6. I miss you!

    1. 1. I'm eight hours ahead so whenever you want to set up a skype date just let me know and we'll figure something out.
      2. You betcha! I wish it wasn't vicarious though. I wish you were with me!
      3. I miss you too.
      4. Sorry. Try counting oves ( I hope that's right) in Latin.
      5. Breakfast and dessert are fantastic. Everything else is meh. I'm planning a burger night and a Mexican night to show everyone how it's done.
      6. I miss you too!

    2. So Sunday if we Skype/FaceTime at 10am PST/6pm Durham time would that work???
