Monday, November 19, 2012

"Sorry about that chief."-Maxwell Smart

I am super apologetic that it has taken me so long to update my blog! The last three weeks or so were a bit rough. I got very sick (fever, cough, the whole nine yards), and spent a good chunk of that time putting together two power point presentations to present to my professors and fellow grad students, and writing a paper on the archaeological evidence for the perfume production industry in Pompeii.

Hard at work drowning in books. 

 Thankfully, there were some wonderful non-academic times as well. The greatest of these was a concert in the Durham Cathedral. Let me tell you, there is no place else in the world where Mozart's Requiem could sound as beautiful than in a thousand year old church. I went with six other people who thankfully all enjoyed the concert as well, and afterwards we walked out into a cold, clear, starry night, and went to the Shakespeare. Fun fact: that's the most haunted pub in Britain. Our outing was free of non-corporeal shenanigans, but it's very cool to be able to say I've been there. It was a practically perfect night.

Just a little more gorgeous autumn color. So THIS is what seasons look like. 

I saw a few Guy Fawkes Day fireworks, but it really wasn't too exciting. Honestly I did much more for election day. I stayed up with three friends to watch the live coverage until four in the morning. I'm not super into politics, but I'm glad I did it. It proved an interesting refresher course in American politics, and provided an interesting and rare opportunity to see how interested the rest of the world is in America and its political workings.

All of you who know me well know that I'm not really the going-out type, but I actually had the opportunity to go out and do things this last week. SHOCKING I know. A large group of international students got together for dinner and went to Chaquito's Mexican restaurant. It was by far the best Mexican food I've had here (which doesn't say a whole heck of a lot) and the company was great. Belinda and I spent the bulk of the evening dancing to the Ricky Martin and Enrique Iglesias music they played.
Dinner at Chaquito's

For whatever reason,
 Sabrina is not at all impressed with
my fantastic dancing skills. 

Nerdy fun was to be had as well. My friend Katrina managed to get her hands on Lord of the Rings extended editions so we watched Fellowship. I lip-synced the whole thing (because I'm that cool) and we have Two Towers planned for this coming week.

Girls' night out for desserts and fun
This last Monday I had a girl's night out with Belinda, Katie, Marin, Helene, and Veera. It was fantastically cliche and amazing. We had tap water and desserts, which we stuffed ourselves with while complaining how fat we are and talked about boys. It was hilarious.
WAY too much fun with the photo booth. 

Most recently, I got all dressed up and went to a 1920s themed dance. It started slow, but ended up being one of the most fun nights I've had here thus far.

Some of my gorgeous friends. 
Daniel is such a ladies' man. 

Oh heyyyyyyyyyy

Belinda had a great time making me up and spent the evening showing me off as her creation. I felt like at any moment she would ask me to dance to Puttin' on the Ritz. I told her as much but she didn't get my reference. Of course this is the girl who hadn't seen Singin' in the Rain until today. That was something that needed to be fixed asap, and it was accomplished along with brownies made in mugs. YUMMY!!! Anyway, the dance was great. I took a bunch of photos (some are missing and I will post them as soon as I get my hands on them), ate WAY too much caramel corn, and I actually danced. I looked like an idiot, but thankfully I'm finally at a point in my life where I don't care. For anyone who isn't there yet, hurry up and get there because life is so much better when you do!